The Kansas All-Industry Placement Facility, also known as the Kansas FAIR Plan, is a not-for-profit insurance association formed by Kansas insurers to provide basic property and casualty insurance for responsible applicants, who have been unable to obtain insurance through the voluntary markets.
Report A Loss
Report a loss to FAIR Plan Cost Sharing Alliance:
Call (855) 629-5737.
Insureds can also report a loss through their agent.
Agents can report a loss online at https://my.ksfairplan.com
Online Policy Writing System
Access our online policy writing system at: my.ksfairplan.com
Agents can access this system to get quotes, submit new applications and endorsements to existing policies, make payments, and print documents.
Insureds can access policy documents as well as make payments by going to this website and clicking on “client customer care”.
Member Companies
Member company information can be accessed at https://my.ksfairplan.com.
Potential new Member Companies can attain a username and password by emailing kfpmc@ksfairplan.com.
Any Member Company questions can also be directed to kfpmc@ksfairplan.com.